Sleep dear sleep, Why have you forsaken me?
Yay, 1 down, 2 more to go. A step closer to home. Sigh~ Anyways I feel abit pressure yesterday by dada to do well and pull up my grades (criesss), after calling home that I cant sleep (because of Bodyclock disorder). So you can understand my graaaaa~! Anyways, I cried out to God (ok... literally cry cry and flood my face with shimmering tears) because it's the worst feeling not being able to sleep when you want to, toss and turn and see the sunrise (WHO DA ever said it's romantic? It's like the sun is laughing at you cos he knows that you failed at sleeping and is telling you your time is up)
Sigh I always wonder why sometimes I have problem sleeping. Maybe when I was young, someone made scared me at night with a story. Is that why sometimes I sleep with the light I feel safer but now the light is too bright to sleep with! GRaaa! So I realize I feel safer sleeping if someone slept with me (OIIIII DONT GET ANY FUNNY IDEAS! I'm still innocent!!) or watch me sleep, keep me company. Sigh, I need to go home. Sleep on the right time is a battle field
Anyways... when I was young, I remember asking my dad, "when does God sleeps?" and he answered that "God sleeps when everyone in the world sleeps", and I thought, 'Oh I must sleep faster so I wont keep God awake'.... Now I realize that the world has different timezones, duh. So every minute someone is awake, therefore, conclusion is God doesnt sleep?.... Well, it really comforts me that He is still awake and watches over me when I can and cannot sleep. ><
P.s I have been banned from drinking tea
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