I feel like this year... I'm making up for last year.. and last year, I'm making up for the years before. It's like growing from strength to stregth, every year by God's grace and mercy. From a girl who has little confidence about herself and life to becoming someone full of confidence, strength and power. (funny how God knows, he sent the prophecy to me when I was 15 to "Walk in confidence before the Lord your God"and has been moulding me ever since and believe me, it was a long, patient and sometimes painful process.)
Mum said : The whole world is at your feet : Yes, I can see the meaning. A lot of things I've learnt and I will just list some out cos... buuu I have badminton with Kenang, Weihoa, my "son" and Ting~ tomorrow and I SHOULD be asleep.
~ Life is important, you can live every moment ONCE. Live it to the fullest
~ Family is important. They come first (after God of course)
~ Be confident in who you are. God made you the way you are.
~ Say what you want to say without being shy
~ Dont waste your time with friends that are not worth it
~ Dont waste your time with people that dont have time for you
~ Dont waste your time with shallow people
~ Dont waste your time with guys that are "just not that into you"... watching Oprah and Tyra Banks talk show is a much better use of time.. (YEAHH! And God actually will bring you the right one...)
~ Dont listen to shallow people that's critical about looks, height weigth (...boring.. go comb your hair)
~ Dont let people's negativity affect you
~ Dont admire anyone that you know so much so that you lose yourself (muahahahaa....)
~ It's good not to eat alone
~ Christians are NOT perfect
~ Humans are less than perfect... eto...

Motto by of the day by Stephanie ::
If you want to do something, do it with STYLE!
I just put a pic so my blog wont look so boring... AIIIIii so jealous of Cheryl's blog!! All her nice pic... DRAW FOR ME ALSO!!!
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