Bo chap
Guy friends are cool~ I think they are more natural and honest than girlfriends. Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting.
The only problem with guy friends is that, you are close to them... but when they start to target a girl or have a girl they like... then, as a pal, you fall off the radar. (as in...suddenly, they open up to you less) Cries..
Having single guy friends in IH (whois graduating soon and leaving me alone in IH), I hope they will find wonderful girls in their life... but in the meantime, can dont find so fast not? Muahahahaaa
And having everyone single in CG is cool too cos then we dont go or see people mushy mushy mushy in CG, -.- (couples are annoying... they think they are the only two person in the world!)
But then again... God might matchmake people in CG.... eto... GOD, WHY!??! WHY?!?!?!
But please lah to all guys... even though, you suddenly set your hearts on a girl... please dont forget to treat me as a friend too instead of "OH noo... if I spend time with Stephanie somemore, I might be betraying the person I like, or that person might get jealous, or that I might mislead Stephanie.. etoo....."

Puhlease lah... sitting next to you or talking, laughing, joking and teasing with you, doesnt mean I wanna marry you soon (or at all... let's see, if you are as rich as Bill Gates, I consider... bleh), dont start acting weird with me just cos I'm a girl!
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