Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Christian friends

Hmm... is it any wonder that those people who causes me most heartaches are Christian people. And this just dates back to years and years ago ever since I started life as a young Christian girl in church. I've seen the good, bad and ugly sides of Christians. Sigh..
I'm not perfect either and I know Christian people aren't perfect either... but can't we all strive to be more Christ-like, open, loving, and someone others can look up to and depend on?
Maybe Christians are more likely to get attacked by the devil and that's why sometimes, non-Christians seems better off. It's easy for me to cut-off non-Christians that I know will bring down my faith or destroy me (cause me too much pain emotionally, mentally etc) but it's hard to do that to Christian. ie : Can you cut-off your family members without hurting yourself? (Btw.. I dont neccessarily cutoff people until I'm pushed to my max... See, I'm soo sweet! Weee)
I just read Cheryl's blog... Well gal... I'm just gonna say what I wanna say and not afraid my blog will "offend" anyone. Too much frustration buildup. I didnt write my blog to prettify people.
I'm abit (much much Muahahhahaa) wiser this year. Take this with a pinch of salt!! I hate lukewarm people!! And please lah... if I give you friendship, I expect the same in return, No less (yes I'm sooo selfish). I'm very busy and have plenty of friends and if you're not worth it, I wont waste my time on you. (OH NOOO!! Gonna get lectured from CG leader!!!... oh wait.. he might not read this...phew)
The worst things I've seen in Christians : Judgemental, Critical, Pride
The WORST of the worst things in Christians : INDIFFERENCE


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