Christian friends
Hmm... is it any wonder that those people who causes me most heartaches are Christian people. And this just dates back to years and years ago ever since I started life as a young Christian girl in church. I've seen the good, bad and ugly sides of Christians. Sigh..
I'm not perfect either and I know Christian people aren't perfect either... but can't we all strive to be more Christ-like, open, loving, and someone others can look up to and depend on?
Maybe Christians are more likely to get attacked by the devil and that's why sometimes, non-Christians seems better off. It's easy for me to cut-off non-Christians that I know will bring down my faith or destroy me (cause me too much pain emotionally, mentally etc) but it's hard to do that to Christian. ie : Can you cut-off your family members without hurting yourself? (Btw.. I dont neccessarily cutoff people until I'm pushed to my max... See, I'm soo sweet! Weee)
I just read Cheryl's blog... Well gal... I'm just gonna say what I wanna say and not afraid my blog will "offend" anyone. Too much frustration buildup. I didnt write my blog to prettify people.
I'm abit (much much Muahahhahaa) wiser this year. Take this with a pinch of salt!! I hate lukewarm people!! And please lah... if I give you friendship, I expect the same in return, No less (yes I'm sooo selfish). I'm very busy and have plenty of friends and if you're not worth it, I wont waste my time on you. (OH NOOO!! Gonna get lectured from CG leader!!!... oh wait.. he might not read this...phew)
The worst things I've seen in Christians : Judgemental, Critical, Pride
The WORST of the worst things in Christians : INDIFFERENCE
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