
Hmm... notice my Blog is blue. Anyways... why feel so blue? I miss home and Thailand (and shopping and PS2)! Maybe it's also because I'm currently studying for exams... it's not that they are TOO hard, it's just a sad melancholic feeling having to go through them, which reminds me of last year, buckets and buckets of tears.
It was raining... sometimes I always think that rain is just a way God cries for me, cos everytime I feel like crying, it rains. (Muahaha yes I'm so full of it).
Yesterday was my "son's" birthday. (sigh...) He's finally 18, adulthood... aii... as a "mum" I must learn to let go...(Hohohoho). I should post our "family" picture once I get my hands on the pictures. In the mean time, this is a pic of me and Emily on Semester graduation day. Weee..
I've signed up to volunteer for Hillsong conference. Yeah got ticket seats for Rick Warren! *squeals with joy*
Greatest wish :: HD (please God!), Internship, Shopping, Going home to enjoy, never to be sad again.
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