Something struck me today... when I was young, I remembered in church, I see most of my favourite people leave (for better things?), and I asked God, how come poeple who are dear to me leaves? Why do you take them away?... And in my heart, I felt that, by that, I could grow stronger dependence on him and also that we should be thankful for everyone precious and every moment they are in our lives.

Today, I look back at pictures and I almost wanna cry. It's so painful because people that you share life with are no longer sharing it with you, everyone moves on, seasons change,
people come and go, clicks dont stay forever.
(Trust me, it would be a very different thing if it were in Malaysia (Everyone and everything seems to never move), cos I'd probably dont care with anyone since I have family and friends that are "always" there or I can live of my sis and bro's friends and invade their juicy 'friend's gossip's lives)

But it's kinda different here in Aust, especially when friends becomes family and it gets lonely (Ok, get this straight, I probably am the most friendliest... *praise myself and pats my head* and nicest person and have plenty of friends) but it's not the same. Sigh I can think of saying Goodbye to a few dear friends after this year, again....
Anyways... I've calculated two great friends that I've sent off in the airport and Hope they will be awesome wherever they are. And my closest (one of the only) friend I have in church, seen him off at his farewell to Singapore to study. (yes, now that country has sucked his genius brains with them and now he's one of them *gasp*!!)
Maybe, I'm meant to be in people's life, be a blessing and then move on.... *sigh.... is this the corporate world training??? ><*
~Nothing lasts forever (on earth :P). Thank God there's a heaven where I can meet everyone I love!! SO EVERYONE HAD BETTER MAKE SURE THEY'RE IN HEAVEN cos I am!!!!