Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Unfinished business

Busy being busy bee. (OH COOL! I decided another creature to name other than Bookworm and Hermit Crab!) Today I decided.. AHHhhh who cares... I am going to rest, relax and enjoy my busy happy crabby life (its really the crustacean I am meaning) . Still have things undone since came back from Malaysia... I haven't get to meet my BEST (one of them) Christian friend, CHRISTIAN!!! (YOU'D BETTER COME HILLSONG POWERHOUSE!!) Weee... sigh so many people say, "yes yes I'll come to Powerhouse ONE day".. but when I ask them on that week, they are like..."Err.. sorry, this week cannot cos...,"kurai!

Living in IH is fun. Its fun to get to know people and randomly disturb them when I get sick of studying, play table tennis and watch TV~~ Ehh.. I kinda wonder... How come I am surrounded by Singaporeans all the time? AHhh it must be my nature to attract Singaporean people with my "amazing" Malaysian charm. Aiyaa... cannot say too much already *cough cough*. Even the number of Singaporeans in Connect Group are more than Malaysians now! UWwaahhhh... but the good thing is I like Singaporean guys cos they are always older after completing their NS. Makes me feel younger... muahahahahahahaha

I MISS THAILAND!!! and I miss shopping in Malaysia... sigh I'll just buy Cadbury chocolates here and eat off my sorrow (of missing Thailand) and Thai Magee mee as a cheap imitation to Tom Yum~ Sigh~~~~~

Saturday, March 25, 2006

A good friend of mine gave me this verse.
Proverbs 31:30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. (KJV)

A prince will always come looking for a princess. (Lisa Bevere)
Do you believe in Prince Charming? I do~ I believe that God has chosen His best for me. So I'm just gonna sit around enjoying my singlehood life til then. I just could never settle for less than what God had intended and I'm not going to set myself up for distress by trying to find the right one or 'trying out' anyone that might or might not be the one. dot end of story. Why am I saying this??? Ohh~ it's a fun fun topic for girls my age. It's like my Christian (gal)friends talk about it sometimes and mostly with a sad melancholic tone (oh they're all single) and when they do, the thought just weigh me down. And my other friends who has guy problems are really sad and affected deeply. So I msn my friend and ask him... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME THAT I'M STILL SINGLE? (even my sista ask me to faster get a BF.. BE PATIENT LAHHH tut!) and he laughed and said there's nothing wrong and encouraged me in God.

God is so wonderful~~ Life has been awesome (and busy busy) for me. I love~ people (friends) again. I'm busy again (instead of being a sloth). I'll probably be joining Tae Kwon Do next week... Kyaa~~ I get to see my friend David again & have yum cha~ I get to meet new friends from PowerHouse like Henny and Kenang~ I get to help out a friend in need and pray for her~ I get to go shopping~ God is awesome awesome awesome

New Blog

Helo to my new bloggie!!!~ Go & BOOKMARK this link! Muahahahahaa....