A new beginning

MUAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAA.... I am passed being blue and sad. Yes! I got my j0y for living back.. OHOHOHO
Hmm... it could be that I went through all my tough exams already... and easy paper coming this Friday (Japanese!!) ... BUT It's more cos God set me free!!
I went to see Benny Hinn at the Superdome and he was AWESOME... tearss ... So many of my fears, doubt and sadness got taken away by God. (And there was healing too!!) Thank you God. Yes yes I actually lost my joy and purpose for living. Things that seem soo important to me... (HD HD HD, my dreams, vision etc) got burried down and I wonder why I'm in this land down under. I thought that I should have done my degree back home bla bla... money money money... blavla.. But then I felt God told me during the worship (Benny Hinn crusade)... : I sent you here. : And I cant help crying cos God has a purpose for me here, and I'm gonna live a life full of purpose. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added onto you." LOVE YOU GOD! Weee

OH NOO!!!!! During the exam period I became a slob and eat eat... NOOOoooo must not lose to Sanko!!! エクシサイズ !!Je' taime
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