Yet another update folks

Muahahahaa... I decided to steal this photo from someone.. eto... but since it's a photo of me, is that counted stealing? (Yes I'm so vain.. )
UPDATE: Hillsong conference was awesome! Rick Warren, Matthew Barnett, Reinhard Bonnke and Charlotte Scalon Gambill! Volunteering was fun! Thank God that we always had to relocate people to another side so I dont get to do much work with the flyers and cleaning! OHOHOHOOoo.. Wanted to pray for a lady but she prayed for me instead! Felt so blessed!! And "somebody" accepted Christ!! Praise God! Congrats Gene! (first sheep... muahahaha)
Tomorrow exams results! Ahhhh God please help me! Weee weee...
Oh, quit "Working with Jewellery" class at COFA (UNSW's College of Fine Arts), decided "I'm NOT going to take any more 'upid General Education course from the College of Fine Arts when suddenly... eto.. I ended up doing Photography course at COFA again.. (boohoo... God has a sense of humour) Muahahaha.... it's fun though, now I know how to take pictures and develope them in a darkroom (Hmm.. ever wonder why it's a dark room? Answer: Because it's dark in the room) while bumping into some unknown people in the room. Aiiii... my mom and dad will be so proud of me.
Oh ya... something tragic (ok.. I'm exaggerating) happened to me... I broke my contacts... NOOOOoo there goes RM250~ But mum and dad is understanding enough to get me one back in Malaysia. I just hope it gets delivered here safely. I'm sorry!!!
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