Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Christian friends

Hmm... is it any wonder that those people who causes me most heartaches are Christian people. And this just dates back to years and years ago ever since I started life as a young Christian girl in church. I've seen the good, bad and ugly sides of Christians. Sigh..
I'm not perfect either and I know Christian people aren't perfect either... but can't we all strive to be more Christ-like, open, loving, and someone others can look up to and depend on?
Maybe Christians are more likely to get attacked by the devil and that's why sometimes, non-Christians seems better off. It's easy for me to cut-off non-Christians that I know will bring down my faith or destroy me (cause me too much pain emotionally, mentally etc) but it's hard to do that to Christian. ie : Can you cut-off your family members without hurting yourself? (Btw.. I dont neccessarily cutoff people until I'm pushed to my max... See, I'm soo sweet! Weee)
I just read Cheryl's blog... Well gal... I'm just gonna say what I wanna say and not afraid my blog will "offend" anyone. Too much frustration buildup. I didnt write my blog to prettify people.
I'm abit (much much Muahahhahaa) wiser this year. Take this with a pinch of salt!! I hate lukewarm people!! And please lah... if I give you friendship, I expect the same in return, No less (yes I'm sooo selfish). I'm very busy and have plenty of friends and if you're not worth it, I wont waste my time on you. (OH NOOO!! Gonna get lectured from CG leader!!!... oh wait.. he might not read this...phew)
The worst things I've seen in Christians : Judgemental, Critical, Pride
The WORST of the worst things in Christians : INDIFFERENCE

Monday, May 29, 2006

The Ring

Eto... no I'm not talking about the movie. I got a ring (two actually). I love Michelle and Jes! We went to the city and just hang out with each other... (one of those rare occassions actually). They both are gems spoiling me with some much rabu rabu. Michelle bought for me the ring... (so touched)... I actually wanted a ring for a long time. Kinda like a promise ring. Promise of purity for marriage. Aii... the guy who get me will be so blessed.. tsk tsk
But now... I actually have to live with the inconvenience of a ring... aiii have to take out when bathing, then put it back on.. sigh
This week I have 1 Jap quiz, 1 Finance quiz, 1 Interaction test and 1 assignment due. (all add up to 50%) Woah I'm soo happy I'm soo busy this week... Is that the best you can do? And I thought uni was though..sheeshhh ... (God..please help me)
Last Sunday was cool... get to eat Wei Hoa's cooking... yumyum.. snuggled at Ben's place with yummy dessert by Henny. "Son" was there as well as the Penjahat... Life is good.
Uwhaaaa so tired today, feel asleep after QMB which reminds me.. I have less than a month before MAJOR exams... Oh nooooo.... m... HD HD HD HD!!

Ok... I put a pic of Hazuki Kei (TOkimeki Girl's Side... too bad the PS2 disk got spoilt...) cos I'm patheticly out of pic of myself (Which I know you must be Ohhh so eagerly waiting for) and waiting for Mich and Henny to send me some.
Thinking about :: Sanko-chan's rendezvous, Furankku's love life, Mummy & Daddy's gossip... my wonderful new sista in Christ : Ting, Christian
How to get more yummy food.... and when's the next meal.

Friday, May 19, 2006


I feel like this year... I'm making up for last year.. and last year, I'm making up for the years before. It's like growing from strength to stregth, every year by God's grace and mercy. From a girl who has little confidence about herself and life to becoming someone full of confidence, strength and power. (funny how God knows, he sent the prophecy to me when I was 15 to "Walk in confidence before the Lord your God"and has been moulding me ever since and believe me, it was a long, patient and sometimes painful process.)
Mum said : The whole world is at your feet : Yes, I can see the meaning. A lot of things I've learnt and I will just list some out cos... buuu I have badminton with Kenang, Weihoa, my "son" and Ting~ tomorrow and I SHOULD be asleep.
~ Life is important, you can live every moment ONCE. Live it to the fullest
~ Family is important. They come first (after God of course)
~ Be confident in who you are. God made you the way you are.
~ Say what you want to say without being shy
~ Dont waste your time with friends that are not worth it
~ Dont waste your time with people that dont have time for you
~ Dont waste your time with shallow people
~ Dont waste your time with guys that are "just not that into you"... watching Oprah and Tyra Banks talk show is a much better use of time.. (YEAHH! And God actually will bring you the right one...)
~ Dont listen to shallow people that's critical about looks, height weigth (...boring.. go comb your hair)
~ Dont let people's negativity affect you
~ Dont admire anyone that you know so much so that you lose yourself (muahahahaa....)
~ It's good not to eat alone
~ Christians are NOT perfect
~ Humans are less than perfect... eto...

Hmm... I'll add to the list as time goes on.... now have to go Zzzzz into my comfy bed.
Motto by of the day by Stephanie ::
If you want to do something, do it with STYLE!
I just put a pic so my blog wont look so boring... AIIIIii so jealous of Cheryl's blog!! All her nice pic... DRAW FOR ME ALSO!!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006


The most annoying thing in life... is being annoyed. Hahaaa... I just realize that day, that you got to lay everything down before God. I told myself... NO MORE STRESS!!
Update : Kenang does his Indo country proud with his Badminton skills!! WOAhahaha.. I won my "son" in badminton.
Dad's friend's son is coming to Melbourne Uni. EHHH?!?!! WHYY!?!? Helooo if you come to UNSW I can be here to take care of you!! (then can have another "son") WOahhhh yesterday went alittle hoohaa trying to contact every Melbourne Uni friend. Rebecca is so KIND!!! She totally is going to help him out... happy happy...
EHHH i have to go lecture now... update later... ~ 1 hour and 30 minutes later~
Back from lecture, time to continue my update stuff ::
I'm feeling abit annoyed again... Why cant people be thankful that they are alive?!? That they can breathe, eat, live, love and be loved?!?! ( Do you know how it's like to suffer every moment in pain and agony being really sick and almost to die?!? I did!!) Why are some people soo miserable like : Oh me, oh my.. my life is so sad... I'm stressed... I'm all alone... Nobody loves me....Boohooo... !
Seriously!! I can oh-only pick you up soo many times. Yes I understand that we all need time to mourn, be sad or just be sorrowful for ourselves. But PLEASEEE, after that, GET UP, WAKE UP, and smell the coffee.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Wahh... In IH, we get to play this Angels and Mortals game. Now they have assigned me to a random mortal and I'm like.. AHHH... him?!?! UWHAAAA... I'm still too lazy to make a move. What leftovers can I give him??... Hmm.. I'm still waiting for my angel to send me something... boring..
Oh I never seem to get a time to talk with mum and dad when I want to. They are always not online... and not only that.. WOAHHhh they are so busy having a fun life with relatives reunion and holidays (that I'm not included)... UWHAAAA HIDOIIiiii
Haha... not that I've been alone anyway... OHH someone deserve a good scolding yesterday... Muahahaa... eto.. Gene thought that I look so cute being scolding him...
UWhaaaa.... Going to the Indo fair with Kenang, Henny and my precious "son" was soo cool. (yeah even the weather was cold). WOAhhhh Kenang bought these satays that tastes so good... I miss Malaysian food... FOOD FOOD is almost all I can think about since its winter (since my body metabolism has risen). I just stock up some chocolates that was on specials at IGA.
I just got a pic of my friend Liz... which since after coming back from Malaysia, I havent seen her yet!!!! Oh here's a pic of me... thanks to Marlina...! I wanna spend more time with her too.
OHHhhh Friday got badminton with my "son", Kenang and WeiHoa.... Hmm.. I wonder if I can bully and smash them (but then again.. my sis will be like...WAKAKAA, you smash them? SO farrnee) and then should sing K with Jes, Eu and Cin... Ahem time to train my vocal chords (not that it matters since almost everyone in IH knows I sing because of the "non-sound-proof" walls they have here). And at night is Powerhouse. Busy Beeeee
Who I wanna see : Camei and Michelle (kisu shite)