Steph's Rantings
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Finished exams and started packing. Sad feeling of you "neither belong here nor there". Packing,... graaaa~ Have you seen my pig sty room?!?!
Before I leave, I will give a bow to my room. (BTW, bowed just like the Japanese way of bowing with honour and respect not worship one, that one I put head on the floor.) It's my way of coping with what I feel is "lost" and will never be the same again. Of course next year I'll come back to the same (hopefully painted) room.
Bowing is like a comfort for me, saying "Thank you God for giving me this moment and time" even though it comes to an end. I remember my college best friend left, and I went to his empty room and bowed (never really seen him after another one more time). And friends leaving Australia, I bowed. And leaving Thailand, I gave a small nod goodbye. It's my comfort. Instead of reminiscing on time spent and what could have been done or if we could relive it again, I try to be thankful for every moment given to me. It's really hard and sad. Ah well, Help me let go of the sadness and nostalgia in my heart. Thank you
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Applied Corporate Finance, YOU ARE THE LAST TO BE CONQUERED
Not yet confident enough for Friday's exam. Can't wait to do it, yet need to prepare for it. Going back this Monday.... Laksa laksa laksa
Monday, November 20, 2006
Something struck me today... when I was young, I remembered in church, I see most of my favourite people leave (for better things?), and I asked God, how come poeple who are dear to me leaves? Why do you take them away?... And in my heart, I felt that, by that, I could grow stronger dependence on him and also that we should be thankful for everyone precious and every moment they are in our lives.
Today, I look back at pictures and I almost wanna cry. It's so painful because people that you share life with are no longer sharing it with you, everyone moves on, seasons change, people come and go, clicks dont stay forever.
(Trust me, it would be a very different thing if it were in Malaysia (Everyone and everything seems to never move), cos I'd probably dont care with anyone since I have family and friends that are "always" there or I can live of my sis and bro's friends and invade their juicy 'friend's gossip's lives)
But it's kinda different here in Aust, especially when friends becomes family and it gets lonely (Ok, get this straight, I probably am the most friendliest... *praise myself and pats my head* and nicest person and have plenty of friends) but it's not the same. Sigh I can think of saying Goodbye to a few dear friends after this year, again....
Anyways... I've calculated two great friends that I've sent off in the airport and Hope they will be awesome wherever they are. And my closest (one of the only) friend I have in church, seen him off at his farewell to Singapore to study. (yes, now that country has sucked his genius brains with them and now he's one of them *gasp*!!)
Maybe, I'm meant to be in people's life, be a blessing and then move on.... *sigh.... is this the corporate world training??? ><*
~Nothing lasts forever (on earth :P). Thank God there's a heaven where I can meet everyone I love!! SO EVERYONE HAD BETTER MAKE SURE THEY'RE IN HEAVEN cos I am!!!!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Games Games Gamesssss
Graaa..... today and yesterday I played Summon Night. It's so nice, so happy got good ending. I tried to play it fast, skip battles etc, got to study you know tsk tsk... ahem.. So like all 'decent gamers' out there, I decided to CHEAT! Weeeeee.... yes I would rather cheat the game than the exam dont you think so? Ok, things to remember to do when go home.
1. Playstation2
2. Buy Disgaea 2, Wild arms4, Suikoden5 (kyaaaa, you had better not be as crappy as Suikoden4!!), Atelier Iris, Kingdom Hearts 2 (Furankku, can you play this for me?),
3. DDR!!!! Yeah!
4. Wish for PS3....
Woah soo happy the game I played has a good ending and my girl character ended up with this cuteeeeee hot, skilled swordsman, stubborn, rich, brat. Kyaaaa~~~~
Thursday, November 16, 2006
My dada said that when it comes to love life...:
1. Steph is busy complaining and ranting (err.....)
2. Sanko is busy being cute and enchanting the guy.. (poor guy dunno how he fell)... kyaaaa
3. Furankku is busy 'almost' making babies to care bout his studies
Eerrrr... ok I cant remember exactly... Sanko-chan, correct me if I'm wrong (and how the heck did you manage to get a fine? (that's what you get for being stingy...OHOHOOHO) Now go pay for it, just like I paid for my accident, oops, Muahaahahahaha)
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Sleep dear sleep, Why have you forsaken me?
Yay, 1 down, 2 more to go. A step closer to home. Sigh~ Anyways I feel abit pressure yesterday by dada to do well and pull up my grades (criesss), after calling home that I cant sleep (because of Bodyclock disorder). So you can understand my graaaaa~! Anyways, I cried out to God (ok... literally cry cry and flood my face with shimmering tears) because it's the worst feeling not being able to sleep when you want to, toss and turn and see the sunrise (WHO DA ever said it's romantic? It's like the sun is laughing at you cos he knows that you failed at sleeping and is telling you your time is up)
Sigh I always wonder why sometimes I have problem sleeping. Maybe when I was young, someone made scared me at night with a story. Is that why sometimes I sleep with the light I feel safer but now the light is too bright to sleep with! GRaaa! So I realize I feel safer sleeping if someone slept with me (OIIIII DONT GET ANY FUNNY IDEAS! I'm still innocent!!) or watch me sleep, keep me company. Sigh, I need to go home. Sleep on the right time is a battle field
Anyways... when I was young, I remember asking my dad, "when does God sleeps?" and he answered that "God sleeps when everyone in the world sleeps", and I thought, 'Oh I must sleep faster so I wont keep God awake'.... Now I realize that the world has different timezones, duh. So every minute someone is awake, therefore, conclusion is God doesnt sleep?.... Well, it really comforts me that He is still awake and watches over me when I can and cannot sleep. ><
P.s I have been banned from drinking tea
Monday, November 13, 2006
What kind of love are we talking about? Boy girl undying love? Darn BGR thingy again...
"I cant live without you in my life", "I suffer in agony without you" "You are the only one in my life" "Only you complete me" love? Puh-lease... spare me. Let's face it. Sometimes other people cling to another because they think they are "in loveeeee". Maybe it's the attention, maybe it the feeling of not being alone, maybe it's the feeling of desperation, maybe it's the emotional support you want, maybe it's the thought that he completes you, maybe it's those silly lyrics & Hollywood movies, maybe it's the "need to settle" down and youre growing old, maybe it's the feeling of you are only good enough for that person or that nobody else would want you, treat you the same way or nobody else would ever love you. Puh-leasee....
Let me get this straight to you all out there that has distorted thoughts about love, WAKE UP and smell the coffee!
1 Corinthians 13:4 : KJV (Hey I like this version and I think it's the most accurate, go look up the internet why.)
Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
What is charity?
Charity Christianity. The theological virtue defined as love directed first toward God but also toward oneself and one's neighbors as objects of God's love.
So yes, love is Charity. So don't distort it as in you cant live without that person or isnt complete without him/her. The person to complete your life is God and only He can fill the void. So stop chasing empty dreams for someone to complete you.
Eh... no wonder my CG leader said I needed to fall in love... HOHOHOHOOHOoo sorry, I'm too logical and practical! Maybe someday. Graaaaaaaaaa
Saturday, November 11, 2006
For dark circles or bags under your eyes you can place slightly warm tea bags over your eyes, leave on for 10-15 minutes.
Ok I did that! Wee... eh, minor improvement to the dark rings. (or maybe its a placebo effect :P) Yes, I'm really sorry that I have been sleeping really really late. No it wasnt late night studies.... my bodyclock is on haywire mode again! God help me be healthy! I got to adjust my body clock back!
Been drinking lots and lots of tea (apparently it's healthy! Hohooo) to study??!?! Ah well...I love tea I love tea...(although sometimes it makes me pee too much...><) Yay Sanko-chan has a blog.... although... It needs cencoring.. WAKAKAKaaa. Ok love ya, signing out!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Just Study!!!
Steph, I know you feel stress and pressure to study and cram everything to your precious brain in the nick of time (Ahemmm...) But you got to! Come girl! Only 17 days before you get to go back! And then you can shop til you drop! Now pleaseee... Go study.. God please help this girl.
I miss Thailand
Graaaa I miss Thailand I miss Thailand I miss Thailand!!! I saw this Japanese singer's hairstyle which reminds me of the haircut I got from Thailand! Graaa... I want my greenmilk tea and panda bears! Graaaa I miss Thailand!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Someone said Pigs are greedy, want lots of foods and favours (meaning me). I'm NOT A PIG!!!!!!!!!!! Sigh... oink oink!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Rain down
Rain down on me, Set me free! Rain down on me, let blessings pour! Let favour flow! Bless me indeed! Rain down on me!
Yes yes I want every blessing, every favour you have in store for me! Rain down on me
OHH noo
Job 1:21 : Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.
I put this verse in my msn in mandarin. (to show off lahh) And my friend said he read something about I came naked go back naked -_- ..... WOAHhhhh SO PAISEHH!!! Embaress... Ok I will choose verses no one can misunderstand or at least I can understand! Woahhhh >_<
Monday, November 06, 2006
Loneliness is the worst feeling to feel. Numbness comes after that, and lost of concentration follows, sadness, depression and then emptiness. Graaaaa period time is not fun!
Hmm.... I got to wake up! Conquer another day~! Steph, You can do it! Now go study!! GRAAaaa
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
It's 9pm and I'm writing this from a Lab in uni. Yes staying up with my groupie to complete a report due tomorrow. Now only I know I'm capable of handling so much work. BRING IT ON! Muahahaa... today I learn an important lesson of being a leader. Be goal-orientated, not always trying to take care of people's "feelings". Cos the main point is to finish the work and be answerable to the task that was given to you. As a leader, you should not expect everyone to be responsibly knowing what they should do. (cos they just trust in the leader to take care of everything) You really have to order people around and follow-up instead of "I trust you"
Yes thank God for this lesson, muahahaaa (even though it was painful and I probably lost my greatest support) but... every step that I take and things that happens to me, regardless or sad or disappointing or frustrating, annoying or not, is another step towards maturity and making me grow.
And I thank God for putting me through situations where I can learn and be better but most of all learn to be answerable to Him and trust Him. I feel so honoured. This just means I'm destined for great things that He would spend time building me up right? OHOHOHOHOhooohhoohoohohoho see what an Optimist I am. (praise myself and pat my head)