Meow meow
Today... CG was awesome!! (and I didnt only say that because I facilitated it... muahahaha... God's grace!). Worship (Henny leading! GO GIRL!!) was awesome and I love how my CG is so encouraging and open... not like..
Steph : Can anyone tell me their experience...
Muahahaaaaaaaa... everyone talked alot except Penjahat (who probably is thinking of a plot to take over the universe... :) )
And bringing someone new to CG is so fresh (fresh blood..... OHOHOHOooo) but I'm glad OP enjoyed himself! Looking forward to seeing him in Hillsongs! ~ See God is so encouraging in getting me to go to church! =D (can you believe he only stays 30sec from me in Penang? WOAH! God really knows how to connect people!)
YAYYY!! Da Wei was there... I hope he comes somemore~~
I guess God softens my heart again. (Look at prev post, you will see that I'm blasting at everybody and everything). I just get annoyed with some people... I wanted the CG to pray that annoying crappy people will not come annoy me (or little things people do wont annoy me), but the CG actually prayed for more Grace for me. (EHHHHH!! It means that I dont have sufficient grace for these people!). Yes, I'm tired, lack of sleep and have assignments pilling up and heavily weighted midsessions around the corner.. I need your grace God, so I can be graceful to people. ><